Kristen Stewart Jennifer Lawrence: "Instead of complaining, do something!"
In a recent interview with the American magazine Variety during the Sundance Film Festival to promote his film, Certain Women, Hollywood star Kristen Stewart was very hard with his companions.
Before a question about gender inequality in economic terms within the film industry, Kristen criticized the actresses who have complained in recent months on this issue. Some of the most involved were Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Watson, who blamed talk idly.
"If you think you lack something in front of you, do not stay sitting whining, get up and go do something," said the star of Twilight, 25, on the statements of several of his colleagues.
In the same dialogue, he was quite grateful to be always busy, so he invited the actress to stop feeling obfuscated by the wage gap and do something, like writing scripts and stories.
"That's why I find it hard to say 'it's not fair.' Men earn more money because his films are blockbusters. Let's start there. That makes sense," he said. "Instead of complaining, do something!"
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